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Elephant Book Rack

Reading to babies and young children is so important, as it provides the building blocks for language and gives them the tools to form social and emotional skills. Our bookshelf is perfect for book storage in your toddlers bedroom, playroom, or the living room. Four pockets to stow reading books, board books, coloring books and magazines for all shapes and sizes. Desgined by a local Lithuanian artist, Gabriela Elgaafary, in collaboration with Little Nest.

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Original price was: 20 KWD.Current price is: 16 KWD.
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Reading to babies and young children is so important, as it provides the building blocks for language and gives them the tools to form social and emotional skills. Our bookshelf is perfect for book storage in your toddlers bedroom, playroom, or the living room. Four pockets to stow reading books, board books, coloring books and magazines for all shapes and sizes. Desgined by a local Lithuanian artist, Gabriela Elgaafary, in collaboration with Little Nest.


Size: 62.2*25.4*61 cm Material: MDF wood, polyster fabric – water proof.


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